When our friend or kin is dealing with a serious illness, our instincts tell us to help. Whether it is an acute or chronic illness, we want to provide support for them in any way. As a Nigerian, the most common form of help a sick person will request is funds for their medical bills. 

If you cannot afford to give or borrow them the total sum of their treatment money, crowdfunding is the safest way to go.

In this article, we’ll explore the power of crowdfunding and provide great tips on how to raise money for a sick person in need, making a real difference in their lives during a difficult time.

What are the best ways to raise money for a person in need? 8 practical tips

By applying these tips, you will get familiar with how to launch a fundraising campaign that will meet your goal.

  1. Speak to the beneficiary first

Before You Start a Fundraiser:

1. Talk to your loved ones and ask how they’re doing.

2. Ask if they’re okay with you raising money for them.

3. Find out what they need help with and how money can make a difference.

4. Understand exactly how the funds will be used.

This will help you tell a clear story when you start your fundraiser. You’ll be able to explain:

– Why the fundraiser is important

– What will happen if people don’t contribute

– How the money will help the family

This way, people will understand why their donation matters and how it will make a difference.

  1. Choose the best crowdfunding platform 

With so many crowdfunding platforms available, selecting the right one can be a chore. Some factors to consider when choosing a platform to raise money for a sick loved one are:

  • Fees: Look for platforms with low or no fees, so more of the donated money goes directly to your loved one.
  • Ease of use: Choose a platform that’s easy to set up and navigate, both for you and potential donors, because you don’t chase away donations.
  • Sharing options: Opt for a platform with built-in sharing tools to spread the word on social media.
  • Trust and reputation: Select a well-established and reputable platform to ensure secure transactions and transparency.

Some excellent crowdfunding platforms for medical expenses include GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and Helpa for Nigerians. 

Helpa is a fraud-proof web-based healthcare fundraising platform that allows people with critical illness to transparently raise money for their surgeries and other medical expenses. It meets all the above criteria and even more.

  1. Give your campaign an inspiring title

Your fundraiser title is the first impression people will get, so make it count! 

A great title should be:

– Simple and easy to understand

– Attention-grabbing and inspiring

– Clear about who and what it’s for

Here are some tips to create a title that stands out:

1. Include the family’s last name to make it personal and unique.

2. Add the word “family” to emphasise who you’re helping. You can use the first name of your friend or say “my friend”.

3. Use a descriptive word to explain the type of help needed e.g. “Fight Cancer”, “Medical Crisis”, “Recovery Fund”.

Example: “Support the Smith Family’s Cancer Journey” or “My Best Friend needs a New Kidney”

Check out successful medical campaigns and study their fundraiser titles for more tips and ideas. 

  1. Write a convincing fundraiser story

Your fundraiser story is the heart of your campaign, and it’s essential to get it right. This is your chance to introduce the family, explain their situation, and show potential donors how their contributions will make a real difference. Here are some tips to help you write a convincing story:

– Start by explaining your relationship to the family, so donors understand why you’re leading the fundraiser.

– Clearly describe the family’s situation and how they’re struggling.

– Outline specific ways donations will help, such as medical expenses, daily living costs, or other essential needs.

– Tell people about alternative ways they can contribute, like volunteering or donating goods. 

– Provide a detailed breakdown of how donations will be used, so donors know their money will make a tangible impact.

– Aim for a story length of over 400 words to show you’re willing to share the full story.

– Finally, ask the person to give feedback on your story before sharing it, to ensure accuracy.

  1. Find pictures and videos that evoke emotions

A compelling fundraiser story is incomplete without captivating images and videos that evoke emotions and help donors connect with your loved ones. Ask them if they’re comfortable sharing a few photos or videos to add a visual element to their story, providing clarity on their situation, and making their journey more relatable. By including meaningful visuals, you’ll create a more empathetic appeal that inspires donors to donate to their cause.

  1. Create a publicity plan 

Without solid publicity, your campaign is as good as invisible. A hidden campaign will not reach its target, and you won’t meet your goal—to make your person happier and debt free. Here’s how to create a publicity plan that works.

  • First of all, reach out to close friends and family, both yours and theirs. They are crucial to the first few days of the campaign, as they can share and donate. Another reason they’re important is, strangers are more likely to contribute, once the fundraiser has already received some money.
  • Next, share the fundraiser with everyone you know. 
  • Then, spread the word regularly on the social media sites where you’re active. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and TikTok are great places to start.


Setting up a Helpa campaign for ill people is an act of love and kindness. By adopting the aforementioned tips — speaking with the beneficiary, choosing the right crowdfunding platform, crafting a compelling title and story, adding evocative visuals, and creating a publicity plan, you can launch a effective fundraising campaign that makes a real difference in their life. It may get overwhelming, but, in the end, it becomes a rewarding experience for everyone involved.