When a friend falls ill, it is normal to not know how to best support them. You want to show up for them, but you may feel uncertain about what they need or how to provide comfort without overstepping. Whether your friend is dealing with a short-term bug or a chronic condition, showing up in a thoughtful and practical way can make a significant difference in their recovery and well-being. 

In this article, we’ll explore ways to help a sick friend, from offering emotional support and practical assistance to respecting their boundaries and prioritising your own self-care – so you can be a reliable source of strength and comfort during their time of need.

Here are nine practical and kind ways you can show love and support to your sick friends and families:

  • Grocery shopping and meal prepping

This is the most common yet thoughtful way in which Nigerians support their sick loved ones. No amount of grocery shopping or food provision is too much or out of style. Buy them groceries and utilities to make their hospital stay bearable. 

Cook their favourite meals or buy them from their favourite restaurant. A nourishing meal can be a warm hug in a bowl. You may also want to ask them if they’re craving something specific. Consider their dietary needs and restrictions, especially if they have a medical condition that requires a special diet.

Preparing meals in advance can be a huge help too, as cooking may be the last thing on their mind while they’re recovering. In addition, cooking in batches will enable you to show up adequately without burning out.

  • Babysit and walk their pets

If your sick friend has children or pets, offering to babysit or walk their pets can be a huge relief. Taking care of little ones or furry felines is difficult when someone is already feeling unwell. By stepping in, you can give your loved ones some much-needed rest and peace of mind. If possible, take their kids or pets for a few hours, overnight, or for the duration of their stay in the hospital, giving your friend a break and some quiet time to focus on their recovery.

  • Handle their Laundry

Helping with laundry is an effective source of support. When someone is ill, keeping up with household chores like laundry can be impossible. By taking care of this chore, you can help your friend feel more comfortable and relaxed and reduce their stress levels.

Help them collect their dirty laundry, wash, dry, and fold it, and even put it away if possible. Even if you can’t do the laundry yourself, offering to arrange for a laundry service or drop-off can be a big help. Having clean clothes and bedding is an underrated form of therapy when someone is feeling under the weather.

  • Spend quality time with them 

Spending quality time with your sick friend can be incredibly uplifting for them. You can organise their appointments and daily schedule, ensuring they stay on top of their commitments. You can also offer to drive them to and from appointments, providing transportation and companionship at the same time. Staying with them during treatment can provide emotional support and help distract them from any discomfort or anxiety.

If your friend is hospitalised, regular visits, no matter how short, can brighten their day and make them feel more connected. By being present and supportive, you can help your friend feel less alone and more empowered to fight for life. 

  • Provide emotional support

To support your friend appropriately, ask if they are open to help and what kind of help they desire. Try to respect your loved one’s wishes and maintain your usual friendship dynamics without making them feel helpless. You can engage in familiar activities and pay attention to their evolving needs. It is important to encourage honesty, allowing them to guide the support they receive.

  • Run their hospital errands

Nothing is more certain than Nigerian hospitals stressing patients with multiple errands, and, trust me, it is the worst situation for an already weak person. Running hospital errands can be a significant help to your sick friend. Offer to submit lab samples or pick up lab results, saving them or their family members from having to make extra trips within the hospital. This can be especially helpful if they have a long list of tests or frequent appointments. 

You can also offer to pick up their medications and necessary medical supplies from the pharmacy, which will aid in their recovery. On top of that, you can help them keep track of their medication schedule and dosages, providing an added layer of support during their hospital stay or recovery at home.

  • Create themed music or podcast playlists or a movie/series watchlist 

Curate a list of songs or podcast episodes that align with their personal preferences or introduce them to new content that might uplift their spirits. Choose a theme that resonates with their current needs, such as empowering anthems, happy tunes, healing meditations, or funny podcasts. This playlist can serve as a comforting companion during their recovery journey.

  • Regular and long phone call

In cases where you are far away from your loved one, a long phone call can help fill the void and comfort your sick friend. Long calls will allow them to share the big and tiny details of their life and health. During your calls, allow your friend to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without interruption or judgement. Sometimes, all people need is someone to listen and talk to to reduce loneliness. Listen actively and offer words of encouragement, helping to boost their mood and spirits. Depending on their mood, you can also use this time to update them on your life, sharing stories and experiences that might take their mind off their health struggles.

  • Helping them with medical bills

Most Nigerians pay for medical treatment out of their pockets, and, at the same time, most Nigerians are poor. Due to these, many people are at risk of debt when they face a critical illness. If you can, try to cover the cost of their investigations or medications. Consider setting up a fundraising campaign to cover unexpected medical expenses. Even small contributions can make a big difference in reducing their financial stress. 


Do you have a loved one in a medical crisis and are still unsure of where to start helping them? Start by setting up a Helpa fundraising campaign on their behalf. This way, they can complete their treatment debt-free and have a great shot at life.