Accessing quality healthcare in Nigeria in a short time frame can be a hassle. Our healthcare system is plagued with numerous challenges, ranging from inadequate funding and a high doctor-patient ratio to high out-of-pocket payments. 

However, amidst these challenges, there are a couple of medical charitable organizations that are dedicating their efforts to bridging the healthcare gap, providing timely screening and antenatal services, offering free telemedicine consultations, and restoring dignity to countless individuals. From remote villages to urban settings, they are changing lives, one patient at a time. 

In this article, we’ll spotlight six healthcare-focused organizations and startups catering to diverse aspects of health and healthcare delivery and diverse demographics. Furthermore, we’ll explore the inspiring stories behind these charitable organizations and their remarkable impact.

Medicaid Cancer Foundation

The Medicaid Cancer Foundation (MCF) is a non-governmental organization initially founded in 2009 to provide support to individuals and families battling cancer of various types. It has since grown in scope and function to become a platform that caters to the full spectrum of cancer. From health education and promotion of cancer to screening and early diagnosis to emotional and financial support during treatment, and to rehabilitation, the foundation follows people throughout their cancer journey.

On top of all that, they engage in cancer research and clinical oncology, in order to develop innovations and realise scientifically-proven recommendations on prevention. Their works attract local and global recognition and partnership, which they use to drive crucial conversations about cancer on the local and foreign scenes through advocacy and policy involvement.


  • Their cancer awareness and screening program reached 500,000 individuals and carried out 4,366 free diagnostic screenings, plus 974 mammograms, within three years.
  • Through them, 126 women and men have accessed free cancer treatment since 2022.

The Wellbeing Foundation Africa (TWFA)

The Wellbeing Foundation was established in 2004 with the goal of improving health outcomes for women, infants, and children. The foundation is responsible for programs such as EMONC (Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care), MamaCare360, and many more.

EMONC aims to increase health workers’ capacities in administering proper basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric, neonatal, and child care. MamaCare360 is an initiative committed to improving antenatal clinic attendance and increasing the quality of antenatal education. 

Alongside these, their contributions include donating WASH facilities to communities, schools, and health facilities to reduce the rate of disease transmission. TWFA combines advocacy with all its activities.


  • Alaafia Universal Health Coverage Fund (AUHCF), which provided subsided insurance to about 4000 enrolled across 9 LGAs in Kwara
  • Over 8,000 adolescents are recipients of The Adolescent Personal, Social, and Health Education Handbook, which addresses issues concerning girls’ rights, the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and sleep, the risks of drug use and abuse, WASH in schools, the female body, menstrual hygiene management, female genital mutilation, healthy relationships, and STEM.
  • Launch of a flagship health-enhanced data tool, the Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Personal Health Record (IMNCH PHR), which is used in healthcare facilities across all 36 states.


Helpa is a healthcare financing website that helps sick individuals raise funds for their medical treatment. For many Nigerians, healthcare bills are covered out of their pockets. This is neither adequate nor sustainable, as the majority of people don’t earn enough to cater to critical illnesses. This is why Helpa plays a crucial role in ensuring that people can afford their treatment.

Helpa is more than just a platform, we are personally invested in helping our users meet their goals through our online and offline publicity and fundraising channels.


  • We have supported about 130 medical fundraisers and achieved dozens of successful campaigns.
  • Since 2022, our crowdfunding site has helped critically ill people raise about 70 million naira in donations.


In Nigeria, one of the leading causes of maternal mortality is postpartum hemorrhage. The difference between life and death for a new mother is the time taken to transfuse blood. If blood is not readily available in the hospital, the mother’s chances of survival are low, and this is the fate of many Nigerian women. It is also the motivation behind the launch of LifeBank, whose founder suffered postpartum bleeding in a foreign hospital but was rapidly transfused.

Lifebank is a medico logistic company that is digitizing Nigeria’s medical supply chain. Although their operation was initially centered around blood delivery and reducing blood shortages, today, they offer a full range of medical supply delivery. They engage in the timely delivery of blood and blood products, oxygen, and medical supplies to health facilities where they are needed. 

LifeBank uses low-to-high technology in connecting hospitals to blood banks. While low-tech includes motorcycles and a mobile app to order products, high-tech uses blockchain for record-keeping and accessibility. They work around the clock, seven days a week, and have a turnaround time of less than 55 minutes for blood delivery.


  • As of 2021, LifeBank had delivered more than 25,000 medical supplies to 250 hospitals.
  • By 2023, they had supplied 1400 hospitals with various medical products.
  • Lifebank is operational across over 8 states in Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia.

Quinta Health

Quinta Health is a medical outreach management organization that has a strong presence across the country. It was established in 2017 to provide screening and diagnostic services at a highly subsidised rate for Nigerians. Their current focus is lessening the burden of cervical and breast cancer in Nigeria through health promotion, screening, and administration of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine.


  • Since its inception, Quinta Health has screened almost 7,000 women for breast and cervical cancer.
  • They have organised 101 outreaches in 180 communities.

She Writes Woman

She Writes Woman is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to destigmatizing mental health and illnesses and empowering people with mental illness to live fully. Their offerings include a 24/7 toll-free helpline (080 800 2000), free and unlimited teletherapy, and an online support community.

At the core of their organisation, the initiative believes that people with mental health conditions should be treated with dignity and liberty. It is also their belief that the fundamental human rights of people with mental health conditions must be fully accorded for them to receive quality and empathetic care. For this reason, they are actively engaged in mental health advocacy.


  • She Writes Woman was at the forefront of advocacy for the reviewed Mental Health Policy approved in 2023.
  • The organisation supports over 40,000 Nigerians with the resources and community to exist without judgement.

Mentally Aware Nigeria (MANi)

Mentally Aware Nigeria is the largest mental health nonprofit in Nigeria. It is a youth-led and youth-focused organisation that champions the fight against mental health stigma. They are dedicated to building an enabling environment that prompts people to seek help without fear of discrimination.

They provide free counselling services, which have directly impacted over 45,000 people—the majority of whom are between 18 and 25. In addition, they anchor mental health training workshops in schools and work environments. Through its website and social media, this nonprofit compiled and disseminated useful resources to help people deal with their mental health.

MANi is also invested in research and advocacy.


  • MANi has granted over 123,000 people free access to quality mental health counselling.


No country’s healthcare system is complete without the input of non-governmental organisations. Their support is vital, not only to improve healthcare delivery and health status but also to attain sustainable development goals.

Are you looking for the perfect medical crowdfunding platform? Try Helpa and start receiving donations today.