Raising funds for a medical condition can be daunting. It requires a lot of effort, attention, and creativity. Just creating a Helpa campaign is not enough; you have to adopt measures to ensure that many people view and contribute to it. Above all, you need patience to apply as many strategies as possible and wait for their results. 

You don’t have to worry about finding these tips; we have done the research, so you don’t have to. This article will share some tips to help you achieve your goals.

Increase donations with these trusted fundraiser sharing tips

  • Tell an emotional story

Nothing moves people to open their wallets better than a good, well-told story. In this case, a tear-jerking story works. To craft the perfect story, clarity and vulnerability must be woven together seamlessly.

Being vulnerable allows you to give heartfelt details about the medical condition and how it has changed your life. For example, instead of saying, “The accident fractured my leg, and now I can’t walk without surgery.” 

Another way to frame this sentence is to emphasise the potential cost of not having a timely surgery. For example, “without the surgery, I might never experience the thrill of my daily morning runs again.”

On the other hand, clarity helps to condense your lengthy details, use simpler words, and remove redundancies. Together, they work to convince people why they should donate.

  • Use compelling visuals

Visuals enrich stories. It brings a certain vitality and stirs the viewers emotions. They could be in the form of pictures, photo collages, or videos. You may decide to combine them all for maximum effects.

The images and videos don’t have to capture only the current state. For better results, it should also give perspective into your life before the illness. It may help more people empathise and understand your story and the potential impact of getting the treatment you need their donations for.

Using the previous example, such a person could create visuals using pictures and video clips from their morning runs on different occasions. Then, they could include visuals their new reality.

  • Share your campaign on social media often

The key to increasing donations to your campaign is to share it more often. It raises your visibility by enabling people to encounter your campaign multiple times. You may share it several times a day or daily. The more times a person sees your post, the higher their chances of reading it, donating to it, and even sharing it.

You also want to decide what social media sites to leverage. It’s better to start with the ones you’re most active on and diversify. You could use your personal page, if you have a decent-to-large audience, or open a new page dedicated to crowdfunding.

You’ve put a lot of time and effort into storytelling; let more people see it and donate by building your campaign community.

  • Build a strong community around your campaign

Posting daily on your page is definitely good, but it would be helpful to have a community spreading the word. Not only is it good for publicity, but it also keeps the momentum steady and ensures sustainability. 

Start by asking your friends and family to share your campaign—often—in their respective online and offline spaces. After that, you can request that people who can’t donate share your health campaign. This will continue to grow your audience and donations.

  • Brand your campaign

Your fundraising might not gain the needed traction if it lacks constant themes. Branding is simply the consistent use of similar elements to make your campaign memorable. These themes could be in the form of e-flyer colours, font type, campaign tags, catchphrases, and hashtags. 

An example of campaign branding is creating fliers with blue and white colour themes and Arial font. Then, use a campaign tag such as “Help Ayo Run Again.”.

Without branding, your campaign may go unnoticed. That is, people will come across it several times, but it won’t register in their minds.

  • Use specific amounts to boost donations 

Breaking down the cumulative sum into small, affordable units makes your goal seem achievable and encourages donations. It enables people to understand how impactful their donations can be, no matter how small.

If you want to raise 2 million naira for treatment, there are many ways to reach that sum. 1000 people can donate 2000 naira each, and vice versa. Also, 100 people can donate 20,000 naira, and vice versa. You have to go with the most suitable format, considering the timeliness of your treatment, the size of your social media audience, and the potential reach of your campaign.

  • Highlight progress, timeframe and milestone

With every significant donation, record videos and design fliers appreciating people. These particular steps will transform your campaign from being just another medical fundraiser to a fulfilling experience for donors. And that will inspire new and previous donors to give you more.

Using timeframes and milestones to signal the urgency of the campaign can also boost donations. If your medical procedure is time-bound, informing people of that may motivate them to donate on time rather than postpone.

Using a milestone, such as a birthday, to drive donations also works. For example, a campaign could be centred around restoring someone’s ability or health before their next birthday. 

  • Promote campaigns both online and offline.

As much as you promote your campaign online, it is important to pay some attention to offline publicity, too. Word-of-mouth marketing is highly underrated. It can boost your offline donations and feed into your online public donations as well.

  • Use Helpa Crowdfunding App

Helpa is a crowdfunding app for Nigerians with a keen focus on medical fundraising. The platform makes fundraising seamless for everyone involved, from the fundraiser to the donors. Helpa supports photos and videos, which improves your visual storytelling. And with our new Helpa AI storytelling feature, you don’t have to worry about the clarity of your story; we got you.

In addition, our app has an in-built feature to assist you with flier branding. We also have a community of people committed to sharing your campaign to help you achieve your fundraising goal and perfect health.

Since our launch in 2022, we have helped our users raise nearly 70 million naira to manage their health. If you’ve been raising money for your medical treatment, try Helpa for a change.